Welcome to the South West Shingles Yacht Club website.
The South West Shingles Yacht Club (SWSYC) was born of adversity and recognises those of similar experience. Above all, it understands that out-of-the-ordinary occasions, acknowledged in good faith by their perpetrators, are to be considered both amusing and slightly reprehensible.
Membership of the SWSYC, which has often been referred to as “the world’s most exclusive yacht club,” is by invitation only. Invitations are issued to those who it is considered have performed a humorous and out-of-place incident afloat, and are prepared to admit it to their peer group ashore. Such invitations are the bailiwick of the flag officers and custodians by mutual agreement.
The SWSYC is fully international with chapters in Australia, Europe, South Africa and both coasts of the United States.